Prospectors and Gold Seekers in Montana 

Gold was first discovered in 1862 along Grasshopper Creek in Montana. Other claims were found across the state and the Montana gold rush was formed. The history of these old mining towns live on and are a perfect destination for your next Montana vacation. 


Historic Towns and Places:

Virginia City, Montana 

Gold was first discovered in Virginia City, Montana in 1863. The claim was discovered by a group of prosepectors on their way to Bannack, MT. Word spread about the gold and the area was forever changed. Virginia City is currently home to the Virginia City Folies, restaurants, and shops alike.

Nevada City, Montana 

Nevada City sprung up with the gold rush along Alder Creek when Virginia City was being established. The town had a blacksmith, brewery, courthouse, and was home the Montana Vigilantes, a group of outlaws seeking justice in Montana. Remenants of this western town live today about 1.5 miles from Virginia City. 

Bannack, Montana  

Bannack, Montana was where gold was first discovered in the state and soon became the Montana territory capital in 1864. As gold was discovered, a short distance away in Virginia City the boom town slowy started to shrink in population. The history of the area is celebrated with “Bannack Days” at the Bannack State Park.  

Additional Resources and Information

Here are some useful links to help plan your next vacation in Montana

Virginia City, Montana – 


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